
Friday, March 11, 2011

We All Fall Down Question Posting

 welcome group members to my blog. I will be posting the Question soon on March 11/2011
It's time to post my question my question is :

       If you had to write the book's ending, how would you end it and why?

Post Are Coming Soon
Now On The Internet


  1. wELL ok i thought i would be last but if i was to end the books ending i would have said that they deied because in real life the building was on the ground so they would have deied all so if they were on the floor above than when they were going down the fire and the smoke should have killed them this is one of the resons i did not like the book but if i changed the starting i would.

  2. i woudnt have ended the book like Eric Walters had. i say this becuse in most books that you probably experienced, your hit with thegood endings and find it rareto find one with a bad guys taking the ending. altho in this situation the auther fit in a good ending dead last with the Will meeting up with his father. i found that pretty cunfusing because it was all exciting and had me ging page by page in minutes and not wanting to drop the book then at the end its just....boring sorta.
    the way i would have changed the ending is i would have had not only the father appear from the collision but have his mother have drove all the wayup to the collision and had his mother involved with the insident and then have his father save the both of them and let them know that he WILL always be there for them and wont let his job get involved with familly and put his familly first before everything.

  3. I do find the ending a little strange but I thought it was actually a pretty good ending for the book. I would also say compared to the other book's endings it's really good because everyone in my class would say their book's ending sucked so what they told me about it I think I would keep the ending of this book the same. Either way I wouldn't want to try and make an ending because I would keep going on with it even though the book should have already ended. But I think that the endings you have made were alright.
