3 things that you are looking forward to learning, developing or using in your poetry over the course of our Slam workshops.
2 things that Greg or Beth Anne reinforced that we have already been doing in class, or you are already using in your own writing.
1 poem that you wrote yesterday. Here is your chance to continue to work on step 1 of the 3 step poetry writing process (step 1 - write, revise, edit and proofread, step 2 - memorize, so you can connect with the audience, step 3 - perform!). Take some time to polish your poem from the 10 minutes of writing you did yesterday.
3.) will a unfortunately have 3 things, the 1st thing is I want to learn how to use poetry to make more descriptive words.2 i want him to rap and sing. 3 i want them to tell us were we get our ideas from.
2.) 1 is that you can express your feelings in a poem. 2 is it would be what ever you want it to be also a poem is a song or a rap
1i am working on it on paper
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